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loan classification中文是什么意思

用"loan classification"造句"loan classification"怎么读"loan classification" in a sentence


  • 贷款分类


  • The new loan classification system
  • Loan classification system
  • Loan classification system
  • An investigation into the implementation of the five - tier loan classification management for state - owned commercial banks
  • The establishment of a loan classification system which basically conforms with prudent accounting principles and meets common international practices facilitates the establishment of a modern banking system and international competition
  • In different loan classification system , npl has different definition . practically , america , japan , southeast asia countries have their own style of npl solution . one common model is good - bank and bad bank separation
  • The monetary authority introduced in december 1994 a new measure which requires authorised institutions to report on a quarterly basis their assets according to a standardised loan classification system and provisions made against the specified categories
  • By starting from the meaning and the characters of the credit risk , we can know our bank loan classification is different from foreign banks . correspondingly , the thesis points out that our work is mainly to reduce and control non - performing loan
  • Ultimately , the emphasis will be sound fundamentals , such as strong capital adequacy ; high liquidity ; prudent loan classification and provisioning , as well as sound risk management . " for 1998 , higher provisions are expected but the local banks should still be able to report reasonable profits .
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